Tuesday, March 01, 2011

i hate this feeling. why do i let ppl do this to me. its a feeling of lost puppy. its a feeling of abandonment.
i am not the same person anymore. i am a strong individual that controls her own fate.. fuck them. fuck it all. i am over it. i dont need someone telling me shit i dont want to hear, or draining me down. i make the calls in my life now. i am sick of being mistreated and i am not going to put up with this shit. dont like me the way i am, leave. thats all i have to say. i am over it all. i am at the point of no return, to late to slam on the breaks now. so get the fuck out of my way with your bullshit. i dont tolerate any type of crap. comprende? you dont fucking tell me what to do and how to do it. i am an adult and if i have to deal with all the things that come with it, i get to make my own decisions too.

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