Sunday, December 26, 2010

the return.

i was right, as always. 
it took some time, but i couldn't live without publicly recording and sharing my thoughts.
my last blog i ended up deleting right before i moved to los angeles. it became a little more popular than i hoped it would and the personal thoughts, were viewed by more than just strangers.
at first, i didn't mind the input of those who didn't know much about me, but when my friends got a hold of it, it was more than i was willing to share with them.
over 6 months has passed. my life took a different path.
i feel the need to record my emotions, my so called "philosophical" thinking and things that inspire me.
maybe i'll make it a little less personal and not write as much about they journey of dealing with my fathers death, the revenge and the hate. less about the relationships with my exs and more about my career which has completely swept me off my feet and gave me a second chance to live. it is my shining light at the end of the dark tunnel. it gave me hope for the future which i didnt have nor ever desired of recognizing. it is the reason i wake up each morning. it is my stem from which i am determined to grow thick, strong roots from. my career is my everything. i am in love with success and no one will come between the two of us. 
sounds obsessing? thats because it is. 
i've settled for much less than i should in my life before. i let others walk all over me. convince me that i am not worthy, that i need to stop dreaming bc it is not happening. they were all wrong.
i don't need you to believe in me, it is enough that i believe in myself.

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