Sunday, January 16, 2011

I just watched my audition from today and I had no idea I sucked that bad! I thought my cold reading went well, fuck I was even told it went well.. But apparently when they tell you it goes well what they really means is that you fucking suck bc mine was insanely bad. Why can't they just tell me the truth so I can learn from it and move on. But no they have to be as they consider nice and lie to my face so I sit here expecting a fucking call back. Here is a side note, that's not being fucking nice that's being douchebags! Being nice is telling me I suck ass and need to go take some acting classes. Where is the enthusiasm alena?! Where is the energy?? Where is the acting! I sound like a dying cat, meowing something under my breath! Holyshit I am happy it was video recording, so I can see myself and judge for myself! oh geez..I'm going to sign up for classes, study my fucking ass off and even if I am not talented ill be the most hardworking one! And break through. Don't give a shit! I will learn it all. Hire the best to teach me the best to become the best!

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